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NetCDF data to Text or Comma seperated variable (CSV) in R (EASY AND QUICK)

Writer's picture: Pravash Tiwari Pravash Tiwari

In one of my previous blogs, I converted ERA 5 datasets downloaded in NetCDF format to csv in python.

To be honest with you all, I was not much satisfied by the code as it was taking a long time to perform the conversion, even for small data. So, I was constantly in a search for a quicker and efficient way to quickly perform the conversion even for bulk datasets.

Finally, by using R, we can now successfully, very efficiently convert netCDF data to data frames.

Before I begin, I would like to thank Prof. Patrick J. Bartlein, Dept. Geography, Univ. Oregon for his helpful links and prompt response to any query and a big thanks to my dearest friend and senior Alaa Mahwish (NASA) for being very generous and motivating, and always available to discuss and troubleshoot the bugs.

Let's start :

So in the present analysis, we will be using ALBEDO data (Forecast albedo) sourced from ERA5.

Let's take data for a small domain for our learning purpose

Albedo file we will be using in this tutorial is available in the link below :

First, let's have a quick look at this data in panoply :

So we have 'fal' (Forecast albedo); it has three dimensions and their shapes (time(72), latitude (5), longitude (5 ).

Let's quickly look at the data array in panoply itself. For this tutorial purpose, I have taken small data into consideration

So longitude range is 83.5 - 84.5 E and latitude range is 28.0-29.0N

TIme coordinate has data from 5th May - 8th May at certain hours of the day at hourly resolution.

So above are the data at different (lat/lon) at 2016-05-05(00:00) UTC, this data focuses on the Pokhara region of Nepal.

Now we want to generate our data frame such that we have: date, the latitude, the longitude, and corresponding values of albedo. We will write our script such that Our final data should somewhere look like this:

So let's code and convert this netCDF to .csv or .txt

####netcdf to csv#######
###Countless attempts :( :(####
##dedicated to my dearest friend and mentor Alaa Mhawish :D#####

###Clear and clean workspace###
#####Requires netcdf libarary #######
library(ncdf4)    #####Load netcdf libarary #######
######Set working directory###########
ncfname<- "" ######load data file#######
#####load nc file####
ncin<- nc_open(ncfname)
#####get longitude from file#####
lon <- ncvar_get(ncin, "longitude")
nlon<- dim(lon)  ##check length or dimension###
head(lon)        ##print first few columns##
#####get latitude from file#####
lat<- ncvar_get(ncin, "latitude")
nlat<- dim(lat)
######Get time or dates########
tt<- ncvar_get(ncin, "time")
units<- ncatt_get(ncin, "time", "units")
print(c(nlon, nlat, ntt))
dname1 <- "fal" 
####Pull the albedo data####
fal.array1 <- ncvar_get(ncin, dname1)
###Get other information for the data###
dlname1<- ncatt_get(ncin, dname1, "long_name")
dunits1<- ncatt_get(ncin, dname1, "units")
fillvalue<- ncatt_get(ncin, dname1, "_FillValue")
###Check dimension of albedo data####
##(ncdf4) automatically converts Fillvalues to NA######
nc_close(ncin) ###Addition by Alaa###(Saves your RAM removes netCdf from memory)
######Convert albedo into vector form#######
fal.vec.long1<- as.vector(fal.array1)
####Check length of vector 
####Create a matrix with longitude*latitude*time#######
tlonlat1<- as.matrix(expand.grid(lon, lat, tt))
#####bind albedo vector with matrix (lat/lon/time) by row######
fal_final <- data.frame(cbind(tlonlat1, fal.vec.long1))
#####Var3 here is the date column, since the data format is 'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00, we convert to local time ######## 
fal_final$Var3<- as.POSIXct(fal_final$Var3*3600,origin='1900-01-01 00:00')
####Rename headers of the column######
names(fal_final)<- c( "longitude", "latitude","date", "albedo")
#####Convert fal_final into data.frame format#####
###save data frame to txt######
write.table(df, "albedo.txt", sep = " ", row.names = FALSE)
#####save data frame to csv ######
write.csv(df, "albedo.csv, header = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

The link to the R script is available in the following link :

So, likewise, we can convert any NetCDF files from ERA or any other source very quickly in R using the ncdf4 library.

Hope this blog was useful

Happy coding !!!!!


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